New Rechargeable Passenger Cars Segments (BEV-PHEV)
AMVIR’s Terms of database use for the public
The statistical data available from this webpage consist of elements of a database (hereinafter “the Project”), created and constructed under the relevant legislation by AMVIR. The Project is protected by the intellectual property legislation and the sui generis right of its constructor. The use of the Project is forbidden, except if the present license or the intellectual property legislation allow it.
AMVIR provides an international, free of charge, non exclusive, permanent permission for the exercise of certain rights regarding the Project, as defined bellow:
a. Reproduction of the Project for the purpose of access to its information.
b. Reproduction of the Project for the purpose of further presentation or distribution of it to third parties, under the following conditions: i. The present license must be included in every copy of the Project which is reproduced, distributed or presented to third parties. Third parties must accept the present terms and conditions before they gain access to the contents of the Project.
ii. The imposition of further terms and conditions towards third parties is forbidden, if these restrict or remove any term or condition of the present license, or if they limit the rights for access to the Project, as defined by the present license.
iii. During reproduction, presentation or distribution of the Project towards third parties, the Project should be accompanied by the information that its creator is AMVIR.
iv. The issue of a license for further exploitation of the Project is forbidden. Financial exploitation of the Project is forbidden.
v. Any kind of alteration of the Project is forbidden.AMVIR provides the license for the use of the Project as is and does not proceed to disclaimers or guarantees on it, definite, legislative or other, which indicatively and not restrictively include suitability guarantee for a specific purpose, non violation, accuracy or absence of errors.
To the maximum degree allowed by the Greek Law, AMVIR is under no circumstances responsible towards the user concerning any type of legal reasoning regarding special, random, induced, enforced as penalty or example losses that may occur from the provision of the present license or the use of the Project, even if AMVIR is informed about the probable occurrence of the losses.

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Fax: (+30) 210 68 59 022