The main activities of AMVIR include:
Suggesting and recommending solutions to the State about road transport issues. AMVIR through its permanent close co-operation with the ministries elaborates for the formulation of the constitutional framework.
Conducting studies either by the specialized AMVIR’s executives or in cooperation with recognized scientific and academic bodies such as the IOBE and the National Technical University of Athens.
Collecting and processing statistical data about registrations and fleet of circulating vehicles. The data come from the Hellenic Statistical Authority.
Organizing seminars and conferences, aiming both at the promotion of products and activities of member companies and at informing consumers.
Undertaking road safety initiatives.
Financially supporting of training, social and other initiatives related to AMVIR’s goals.
Facilitating its members Corporate Social Responsibility policies.

General Goals
- Growth of vehicles market
AMVIR promotes solutions and suggestions concerning the smooth functioning of its member companies. It aims at the growth of modern and profitable points of sale, maintenance and service all over Greece.
- Promotion of member-companies’ products
AMVIR ensures the promotion of latest models and technological advancements in all types of vehicles through the acclaimed vehicle shows.
- Informing consumers
The Association targets to familiarize the public with the automotive industry’s progress and the national and European vehicle market evolution, and the effects of them on the social and economic prosperity.
- Protection of the environment
AMVIR aims at the improvement of citizens’ life quality and the minimization of the vehicles’ impact on the environment, through the circulation of modern and “clean” cars and the exit from circulation of old, unsafe and polluting vehicles.
- Good condition of the fleet
The Association pursues the preservation of the circulating vehicles in good condition, supporting a successful and thorough operation of the Technical Inspection Centers.
- Enhancement of road safety
The Association of Motor Vehicles Importers Representatives supports efforts for reducing road accidents, which unfortunately are many in our country.
- Improvement of road transport conditions
AMVIR aims at the elimination of time spent in commuting, an increase of parking space and a reduction of traffic load.

Specific Goals

Passenger Cars
Concerning Passenger Cars AMVIR pursues the following:
- The introduction of “incentives” on the use of new, safe and clean cars and “disincentives” on the use of older, unsafe and polluting cars.
- The reform of the “Green Ring” measure through the issuing of a card to enter the city center, the cost of which will range based on the emissions technology of the car while its revenue will be used to finance actions related to road transport and environment.
- The proper implementation of the”Green Ring” measure from Traffic Police by conducting intensive inspections so as the community to reap the benefits.
- The adoption of a new system that restricts or permits the circulation of cars in Athens’ city center, according to the vehicles’ emissions, since the current system (based on the vehicles’ number plate) is severely outdated.
- The improvement and maintenance of the fleet’s good condition through constant technical monitoring carried out by the Periodical Technical Inspection Centers.
- The investment of a proportion of State’s revenue coming from taxes imposed on cars in order to improve road infrastructure.

Light Commercial Vehicles
Among the goals of AMVIR about Light Commercial Vehicles are:
- The elimination of Registration Tax for LCVs, since they are tools and not a general mean of transportation.
- Adjustment of circulation taxes according to the environmental performance of the vehicles (CO2 emissions).
- Improvement and maintenance of the fleet’s good condition through the effective function of the Periodical Technical Inspection Centers.
- The improvement of the “Green Ring” measure, which is in effect since September 1st 2012, so as to allow exclusively eco-friendly light commercial vehicles that meet the Euro 5 standard or higher, to enter Athens’ city center.

Heavy Trucks and Buses
Concerning Commercial Vehicles and Buses AMVIR pursues the following:
- Initiatives for fleet renewal with the aim to reduce the average age of circulating heavy vehicles. This is very important especially for trucks, as almost half of them are over 20 years old!
- Introduction of disincentives for the use of older, less safe and polluting vehicles.
- The elimination of Registration Tax, since these vehicles are tools and not a general mean of transportation.
- Improvement and maintenance of the fleet’s good condition through “on the road” inspections and constant technical monitoring carried out by the Periodical Technical Inspection Centers.
- The immediate amendment of the “Green Ring” measure, which is in effect from September 1st 2012, so as to restrict 22 years aged polluted heavy commercial vehicles to enter in Athens’ city centre.
- Option for private enterprises of renting rather than buying trucks, since it will help them cover their transportation needs without being forced to increase their assets.

Αndrea Papandreou 13, Marousi 151 24, Athens Greece
Tel.: (+30) 210 68 91 400
Fax: (+30) 210 68 59 022