80 years AMVIR

AMVIR is among the sector bodies with the most remarkable history in Greece. It was founded in 1934, when just 33.060 vehicles were circulating in the whole country.

Since its foundation, AMVIR is serving vigorously and consistently the interests of both its members-companies and the whole society concerning issues of road transport, environment, road safety and life quality. It closely cooperates with renowned organizations such as SEV and IOBE while it supports communication with all the organizations and institutes related to road transport.

Due to the unprecedented financial crisis that Greece goes through the last years, AMVIR consistently stresses the solutions of the aged fleet and the drastic consequences for the environment and the road safety that arise, which is a key challenge for the sector.

At international level, AMVIR is member of ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association).


AMVIR’s mission is to represent official vehicles importers, national distributors and authorized dealers in Greece and to contribute to the progress of national vehicles market.

Moreover, AMVIR is concerned about road safety, protection of the environment, effective control of fleet’s condition and about issues of general social and economic interest.

Board of Directors

According to its statute AMVIR is managed by a seven member Board of Directors with three years of tenure. The BoD members are senior executives elected by the companies-members of AMVIR.

The current structure of BoD (2024) is the following:


Vassilakis Th. George

Vice President

Condellis E. John

Secretary General

Saracakis D. John


Theocharakis J. Panayiotis


Riedl Hermann


Syngellidis G. Polychronis


Taki P. Stavros

AMVIR Members

Αndrea Papandreou 13, Marousi 151 24, Athens Greece
Tel.: (+30) 210 68 91 400
(+30) 210 68 59 022